OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Device Options not saving on OSPi

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    Samer – Using version 9fe17df of the Mobile App on my OSPis (I have two), I am having trouble saving Device Options (e.g. %watering). When I try to do this, it says there is a device error, and this occurs on both of the units. Other functions work just fine, including modifying programs, so this does not indeed appear to be a device error.



    Sorry to hear that. To be honest with you I have been focusing on the native apps instead of the web app. I assume a slight incompatibility with OSPi is at fault. If you are willing, the native apps are a much better solution. However, let me know if you prefer the web app and I can try and troubleshoot that.




    I like the ability to control these from a desktop or laptop, since I find it easier to do so. This is especially for inserting reasonable values for station times (e.g. 5 minutes), where I find it difficult to insert such short times. In any event, trying to save the device options results in a device error. I’ve checked the native app and it does look quite interesting, but doesn’t seem to work (it keeps failing to connect despite my Android phone working just fine in accessing the network).





    Sure, that totally makes sense. I will take a look at the web app and try and fix your issue.

    Regarding the native app not connecting, is the auto scan also failing? Are you on the same WiFi network? Using the right port? I have had random reports of connection issues and really want to pinpoint the problem.




    I am looking into this now and cannot recreate this problem. I have pulled the latest OSPi and mobile webapp. When saving settings, everything works fine. Can you try the latest OSPi and let me know?




    I just downloaded the latest version of Dan’s interval program using a git pull, and I’m still getting the same error. I cannot save the device settings, with a message coming up that says there is a problem with the password.

    “Error communicating with OpenSprinkler. Please check that your password is correct.”

    This occurs on both of my OSPi units after updating both the interval program and the mobile app directories. Other functions, including program editing, work fine.



    I just tried to access the device settings from Dan’s web server page, and it shows a bunch of junk. So, it appears this may be due to a problem on that side of things. I’ll post regarding this issue to the proper forum entry for Dan’s program and see if I can figure this out.

    Thanks again!

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Device Options not saving on OSPi