OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Difficulty with Wifi DHCP reservation

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    I have a number of devices set with reserved IPs via DHCP on my router. However I’m having trouble getting this to work with Open Sprinkler. When using the TP-LINK Wifi adapter you sell, should I use it’s MAC address or the one reported on the LCD display of the Open Sprinkler? I thought it should be the Wifi MAC but when I try to use that the router appears to take the IP I assigned away from the Open Sprinkler and gives it another one.



    You should always use the MAC address reported on the LCD display of OpenSprinkler. The WiFi adapter (assume you’ve set it in client mode) is a simply pass-through, so don’t use the WiFi adapter’s MAC.

    For additional details, we have a tutorial video on how to set up fixed IP, and port forwarding:



    Thanks for the fast response Ray. I normally use Fing to find network device MACs. Interestingly (to me) when it scans it sees the TP-Link device and it’s MAC address as assigned to the OpenSprinkler’s IP, and doesn’t show the OpenSprinkler MAC at all. My router also reports the same as Fing, so it is a bit misleading (not your issue!).

    I changed the DHCP reservation to use the MAC from the LCD display and it seems to be working ok.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Difficulty with Wifi DHCP reservation