OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Displayed weather not updating when System Disabled

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  • #48031



    It appears that when the system is disabled (Top left menu -> Advanced -> Disable Operation), then the displayed weather in the main window stops updating (The current conditions icon, temperature, location, and any weather-based special statement). If I enable operation, then this information will update almost immediately, but will stop as soon as I disable operation again.

    On the mobile app, this really isn’t a problem since it refreshes whenever you open the app. But I leave a web page open to the OpenSprinkler firmware web page from my Raspberry Pi, and having old weather information displayed is kind of annoying. Nothing that needs fixing immediately, but I would appreciate it if you could look at this whenever you have some free time.



    I looked at the firmware code and don’t see anything that prevents it from doing weather updates when the controller is disabled. I suspect this is a UI thing. Will communicate with Samer to see what this may be.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Displayed weather not updating when System Disabled