OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions Eagle CAD script for enclosure

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    Hi, I know this probably isn’t the right place for this question, but the comments section on your post here isn’t working for me..

    I’m trying to use your ULB script to design an enclosure for a pcb, I’ve attached the .brd file but it’s also available here (just ctrl+f on the page for”.brd”).

    There are some errors when running the script “Point not expected!” and the output isn’t correct. Here is a screen shot from Eagle after running the script: (also attached)

    Thanks for your help!



    You should check which EagleCAD version you have — I’ve only tested the script for EagleCAD 7.x. The latest is 8.x which I have not tried.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions Eagle CAD script for enclosure