OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Error new location system

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  • #50936


    I new in the forum, after the update to the FW 2.1.8 (1) App Ver. 1.7.7 I can not have my weather conditions I removed my api and entered my location how to do?



    I do not quite understand your question. Did you mean to ask how to enter location? Go to Edit Options -> Location. Can you not edit that location?



    No, my problem is that when I enter my location, the weather detection does not work



    Do you have a Wunderground API key? If so, I suggest you try removing it (in the latest UI it has been moved to the Advanced section). This way the weather algorithm will use OpenWeatherMap API and not Wunderground API. Since Wudnerground has discontinued their API service, it might explain why the weather detection does not work.



    I do not have a key API Wunderground, entering my location in manual I do not find the weather



    I attach the screenshots of my configurations is still not see my weather forecast.



    Sorry for the inconvenience, this is due to the app not being able to poll OpenWeatherMaps for data. To explain further:

    We had to recently switch the weather source for our weather service from WUnderground to OpenWeatherMaps due to the service being shutdown. During this change, we decided it would be better if we made a single account that we are responsible for on OpenWeatherMaps and using our single API key for all users. This makes it easier for the end-user so they don’t need to register an account on OpenWeatherMaps and generate an API key. The downside to this is we cannot give this key out otherwise our expenses will increase uncontrollably.

    The app does not currently know this and shows the prior error messages. I will ensure that is fixed in the next update.

    Thank you for your understanding.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Error new location system