In my on build of the firmware, I made a relatively simple change to optionally present the date on the OLED display as DD-MM.
To those of us in the parts of the globe that use DD-MM, the MM-DD format is not intuitive, and according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country is used little outside of the US and Canada. It seems a significant percentage of us natively use, and are more comfortable with DD-MM.
It seems to be another localisation (even our spelling is different…) option akin to Farenheit / Celcius, where one or the other is not common to some parts of the world.
Whilst the option in the firmware was fairly simple, and the GUI displays e.g. Apr 30 2023 which is also very digestible, I noted in the Date Range dialogue (spelling again…) that entry was in the MM-DD format.
If there’s a way to introduce a date format option in to the GUI in a future release, it would be greatly appreciated (I’m sure, by many)