OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Feature request: Start at latest enough to finish program by sunrise

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    Hi there, the optimal time to sprinkle the lawn is just before sunrise therefore I think it would be useful if instead of “Sunrise offset”, we could select an option to start at a time the selected program can finish by sunrise. Everything can be calculated from the program length and the actual sunrise time.




    +1 , I like that idea.



    I appreciate the request. Implementation wise it’s going to be tricky. For example, if the sunrise time is very early in the day it could push the program start time to before midnight (i.e. to the previous day). This kind of capability is not something the current scheduler can provide. We will think about if there is a more elegant way to implement it.



    Thanks, Ray!

    AFAIK civil twilight comes around 6am and the Sun rises about 6:20 at earliest. This means programs should be longer than 6 hours to pull start time forward to the preceding day. I know it is technically possible to create such a long program but is it a reality? My programs never exceeded 3 hours, if for nothing else but cost saving reasons.

    I do hope you’ll find a solution to this. Me and my lawn would really appreciate it!




    I think that we need some programs which start from sunset to sunrise.
    I know that the day is the frame in which OS is programmed, so therefore two programs are needed to irrigate during the night.

    Nevertheless, many of us thinks in terms of night/day when comes to irrigation: so I suppose that a program which do not consider the 0-12 day, but rather the day/night sequence would be helpful to many of us.

    BTW: I know that it’s easy to throw in ideas without taking the burden to work on them !!



    @ottorino: you are right that the current scheduler is centered around the concept of ‘start times’ during each day, and ignores start times that fall onto the next day or previous day. It’s definitely possible to address this limitation by extending the search computation. But in the end it’s not as flexible as a general calendar. We may need to re-think about how to implement the scheduler to accommodate more flexible programming. If anyone has a good idea, feel free to speak up. Thanks.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Feature request: Start at latest enough to finish program by sunrise