OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Feature suggestion regarding weather adjustment

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  • #46627


    Hello all,

    just a thought I recently had:
    We seem to have some weather lately where the weather adjustment (which is usually quite right) decides to water only 5% or so. Knowing the algorithm, this is not surprising, but with this short irrigation period it does not really make sense.

    How about introducing an option in the settings (linked to an if-clause when calculating irrigation percentage) as a user-setting called “cut-off percentage”? Meaning the user would set a defined percentage there and the irrigation time is set to zero if the calculated value is below that percentage.




    That logic is already included in the firmware. Here is a line of code that implements that:
    it’s not user configurable yet, but it basically says if the watering percentage is less than 20% and if the calculated watering time is below 10 seconds, set the water time of that zone to 0.




    ah, I see. If I’m correct, that is a logic “and”?

    if (wl < 20 && water_time < 10)

    That would explain it, as when these waterings occur, they are usually below 20%, but certainly longer than 10 sec.
    I’ll change it to “||” or remove the time limit, recompile and see what happens 🙂

    – Michael



    Yes that’s a logic AND. The reason the condition water_time < 10 exists is that if the water time is very long to begin with, say, 10 hours. Then even if the watering percentage is only 10%, that's still an hour of water time, and I assume the user would not want the water time to be skipped. For that reason, the condition checked both variables.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Feature suggestion regarding weather adjustment