OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Having issues sprinklers do not run.

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  • #37088


    I changed the schedule this morning and it was supposed to water, but nothing came out of the sprinklers. (a test run worked)

    Here is my configuration

    I updated to 2.1.3, and have been having issues ever since.
    <pre style=”color: #000000; line-height: normal; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;”>{“programs”:{“nprogs”:2,”nboards”:1,”mnp”:14,”mnst”:4,”pnsize”:12,”pd”:[[67,18,0,[16388,-1,-1,-1],[600,480,600,600,600,120,360,0],”MAIN”],[3,127,0,[16388,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,60],”PLANTS”]]},”stations”:{“snames”:[“Front”,”Side”,”Front Street”,”Side Street”,”Front Sidewalk”,”Backyard Trees”,”Backyard”,”Potted Plants”],”masop”:[255],”ignore_rain”:[0],”act_relay”:[0],”stn_dis”:[0],”rfstn”:[0],”stn_seq”:[255],”maxlen”:16},”options”:{“fwv”:213,”tz”:20,”ntp”:1,”dhcp”:1,”ip1″:0,”ip2″:0,”ip3″:0,”ip4″:0,”gw1″:0,”gw2″:0,”gw3″:0,”gw4″:0,”hp0″:80,”hp1″:0,”hwv”:21,”ext”:0,”sdt”:15,”mas”:0,”mton”:0,”mtof”:0,”urs”:0,”rso”:1,”wl”:34,”den”:1,”ipas”:1,”devid”:0,”con”:110,”lit”:100,”dim”:15,”rlp”:0,”uwt”:1,”ntp1″:17,”ntp2″:151,”ntp3″:16,”ntp4″:12,”lg”:1,”reset”:0,”dexp”:0,”mexp”:5},”status”:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],”settings”:{“devt”:1429905699,”nbrd”:1,”en”:1,”rd”:0,”rs”:0,”rdst”:0,”loc”:”pws:KCASANJO122″,”wtkey”:”XXXXXXXXXX”,”sunrise”:379,”sunset”:1191,”eip”:1261672285,”sbits”:[0,0],”ps”:[[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0]],”lrun”:[0,254,95,1429860290]}}



    Can you export the configuration as a file and attach it here? The configuration you posted contains double quotes that the importer does not recognize.

    Just by looking at your program settings, it seems you’ve set the programs to run at sunrise or sunset time, is that correct? Because sunrise/sunset times vary on a day to day basis, the start time will change every day.



    yeah i have sunrise times set i can turn that off and try again

    Now i tried to change the start time to a fixed time, and it will not let me. I am fine with the sunrise offset though.



    To change to a fixed time, you need to first un-select sunrise or sunset (think of it as a checkbox), then input a fixed time.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Having issues sprinklers do not run.