OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App HELP – Connection through TP link – unable to load on app or browser

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    I’m pulling my hair out here…

    My OS has been running for about 10 months, and I love it. I had it wifi connected via a TP Link WR702 in client mode. Originally I had it all set up on Static IP addresses as I couldn’t get it to function properly on DHCP with address reservation.

    About a month ago I was no longer to connect via the App on iphone, android or even by directly opening in a browser. All I would get on a browser was the black “loading” screen.

    Last night I reset the OS, Reset the TPlink and set it up with static IP address – oddly enough I would get the TPlink to allocate the same IP to the OS and it would work. This was fine for an hour or so until the iphone app locked up while I was uploading program, then the same problem manifested and I no longar am able to access the OS unit by any means. Incidentally, I noticed through the LCD display that the program that I was entering when iphone app crashed had actually loaded in three times.

    I’ve now set it up slightly differently on DHCP and address reservation from my router, the OS appears to be allocated the correct IP from my router, which is now different from the TPlink IP address. I get a response via my browser but again it just hangs on the black screen with “loading”. Also, I don’t see the mac in the attached devices list via my router, or my TP link

    Router is a Netgear D6300. Incidentally, ever since I ran this TP link on the network I notice that I have to reboot the router a lot more regularly, particualrly if the TPlink goest through a power cycle.

    I have a theory that the TPlink is having DCHP conflicts with my D6300 and the OS suffers as a result. I am probably going to just run a Cat 5 cable, but that will require stringing it across a wire from my house to the garage where the OS resides, which I don’t want to do….

    Please, any help – also I’m not that well versed with network jargon so I might need you to speak slowly with me haha….

    Also, hardware 2.1, firmware 2.1.1. I will probably have a go at updating firmware on both my d6300 and the OS this weekend.




    After resetting TP-Link, did you make sure it’s in client mode? In client mode, it shouldn’t need to request DHCP itself because it would simply pass packets back and forth between OpenSprinkler and router.

    In order to isolate the problem, my suggestion is to connect OpenSprinkler to your router via a Ethernet cable. You can place OpenSprinkler close to your router so a short cable should be sufficient. This is just for testing and not a permanent setup. See if the problem persists. If it does, that probably means the issue has nothing to do with the TP-Link adapter.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App HELP – Connection through TP link – unable to load on app or browser