OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Help Getting the Mobile App to Work

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    I’ve got my Raspberry Pi OpenSprinkler project near completion. However, here’s where I’m stuck.

    I have OSPi Interval program installed. I have apache webserver installed. I can turn stations on and off using the manual controls of either the Interval demo or the mobile web app. I can set programs up and save them. I can see the programs in program view. The status view shows that the time is being set correctly.

    To test the program function, I create a single program for a station that should turn on a station for 5 mins starting in a couple of minutes from the time I create the program. I then wait to see if that station goes on and it doesn’t.
    I can see in program view that the red time line moves through the time bar and passes through my program slot, just no station response. It’s as if the timer loop in the python script is not reading the program. BTW, manual mode is set to off.

    Feels close. What am I missing?


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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Help Getting the Mobile App to Work