OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler HELP – OS 3.0 DC with 24v AC solenoids – Issues with Master .. water pressure ?

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    I’m in Australia and I have the OS 3.0 DC with 24v AC solenoids (25mm) and set up with a Master as per image attached.

    I’ve used proper 9 core retic cabling and its about about 10m (30ft) between controller and solenoids.

    I’ve used both the supplied Aussie power adapter (output 7.5v DC) adapter and also a 12v motorcycle battery on trickle charge (wanting to have some access without main power as its partially for use in bushfires).

    I have intermittent issues with the Master solenoid not always opening, which I believe maybe due to either the DC current with AC solenoids (?), or may be due to the high water pressure at the Master (the source is mains water on a 50mm pipe that is stepped down to 25mm pipe for the Master solenoid).

    Maybe its a combination of both ?

    Would too much water pressure stop the Master solenoid from opening ?
    If so, would a 24v AC signal help with this issue at all ?

    Right now, I’m not sure if I should try a bigger Master solenoid (40mm or 50mm), or try a 24v ac retic controller.
    ..Don’t believe I can easily run the OS 24v DC model since I am in AUS and there is no power supply to suit ?

    Its not the solenoid as I’ve replaced the electric part of the Master and also opened it up and checked for dirt and the diaphragm etc.

    It works fine when I open the Master via the bleed valve and it sometimes works from the OS signal, but not enough for me to use programs or trust it when I am remote (I sometimes have to try various stations 5-6 times before the Master opens up).

    I’ve tried changing OS settings like Master delays and boost time.

    Thanks for reading 🙂




    pic was too big, reduced …



    What’s your master solenoid’s brand name and model number? Is it a pump start relay or is it a solenoid?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler HELP – OS 3.0 DC with 24v AC solenoids – Issues with Master .. water pressure ?