OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions hmm might have jumped the gun

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    after the ars article I thought what another great raspberry pi project.  I got a rpi 2 and ospi plus board, put it together, flashed latest rasbian, grabbed the latest software, got everything secured how i want… then walked outside with it and, see attached.

    240v into it.  240v out to pump.  I don’t even know where or how it switches zones.  This doable?  If not what does it take to convert to something my OSPi can deal with?



    This looks like a mechanical sprinkler controller, which I’ve never seen to be honest. My guess is that the 240V AC output is connected to a pump. I am curios how many zones do you have? The only manual I can find is this one:
    which doesn’t tell much.

    Most sprinkler solenoid these days work with 24V AC (note: NOT 240V AC!). That’s also what most sprinkler controllers work with. If you have a 240V AC pump, you can use a ‘pump start relay’, which you can think of as a sprinkler solenoid, except it’s used to switch a 240V AC pump.

    To understand your situation: how many zones do you have? Do you have a pump?



    Here is the intermatic page on it


    yes the 240v ac is connected to a pump.  I’ll manually click through it tmr and see how many zones.  I’ll take apart a bit see if i can get some pics of how the zones are wired or how it switches to them.



    ok here are more pics of the intermatic wiring.  I have a pic with the yellow dial off.  I understand the wires coming from the circuit breaker, and the wires going to the pump, i’m just still not sure how this switches zones.  Seems to be 5 zones.  To switch to them with this I have to switch it off then to manual.  that fires on zone 1 or what I’ll arbitrarily call zone 1.  then I have to switch it off again and back to manual.  That clicks in the next zone.  So the second time I did it I labeled all the heads 2 where they were on.  Then I did it a 3rd time I labeled all those 3.  By the time I did it a 6th time my #1’s were coming on again.



    And finally here are the pump specs attached.

    So from amazon I’ll grab this:

    and this pump start relay you mentioned should work:


    I’m still lost on how this would wire up to the OSPi esp controlling the zones.  Any guidance appreciated.



    this seems to explain it pretty well:

    #5 says the sprinkler valve advances each zone.  Does this mean even if i get this working I wouldn’t be able to, for example, just turn on zone 4?  I’d still have to cycle through them all like I do today?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions hmm might have jumped the gun