OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) How can i run programs at the same time?

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    I have 48 channels in 10 programs and it is necessary to let some programs run at the same time.
    Now, the channels are planned, but don’t run, cause another on is still running.

    I hope you understand my bad englisch…



    Try deleting “sequentel” in the setting of the channels.

    In german: Den Haken bei “fortlaufend” rausnehmen, dann sollte es gehen. Dann macht er nicht fortlaufend, sondern parallel.




    That doesn’t match, because the channels must run sequentiell in the programs.
    And the programs should run simultanly

    For example:

    Program 1:
    Start at 8:00
    Valve 1: 20 min
    Valve 2: 20 min

    Program 2:
    Start at 8:00
    Valve 1: 30 min
    Valve 2: 30 min

    So 2 valves would run at the same time



    I am confused by what exactly you want the controller to do in this situation: program 1 wants valve 1 to turn on at 8:00 for 20 minutes, and program 2 wants valve 1 to turn on at 8:00 for 30 minutes. Since they are asking the same valve at the same time for two different things, which one do you want the controller to do?



    Sorry, copy and paste failure….

    Now the correct scene
    Program 1:
    Start at 8:00
    Valve 1: 20 min
    Valve 2: 20 min
    Valve 3: 20 min
    Valve 4: 20 min

    Program 2:
    Start at 8:00
    Valve 5: 20 min
    Valve 6: 20 min
    Valve 7: 30 min
    Valve 8: 30 min

    So 2 valves would run at the same time



    If I understand it correctly, you want Valve 1 and 5 to run at the same time, so are 2 and 6, 3 and 7, and 4 and 8, right? I don’t think there is an easy way for the current firmware to perform this. One solution is to use 4 programs: basically set all valves as parallel (non-sequential) stations, and have valve 1 and 2 in the first program, start at 8:00, run for 20 minute; then valve 2 and 6 in the second program, start at 8:20, run for 20 minutes, and so on.

    What you described would be possible if we have the concept of ‘sequential groups’ — where valves in the same group are scheduled sequentially, and valves in different groups can run in parallel. This isn’t supported in the firmware yet.



    Ok, so that would bi a wonderful necessarey Option to have in big installations!
    I would test a new firmware, when you want.

    Thanks for you Support!

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) How can i run programs at the same time?