OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler How to make this programme up

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    Hi All,

    Just after some advice on how you would make up an program like this.

    I need it to run 24 hours a day.

    And it will just cycle through the stations putting one on at an time for 1 min then go to the next one.

    I was thinking I would just set stations up as sequential and then set each one for 1 min.
    Then have them repeating every 4 mins as there is 4 stations and do this for the maximum number of repeats I can do.
    Also I would have the start time as 1pm each day so when it reaches that time it would just restart.





    Hi Ben,

    Why use a controller and valves when you want it on all the time? Just hook up to your water supply directly. Unless I’m missing something – and in that case, please explain more clearly what your objective is.




    Hi Mike,

    Sorry was not very clear. We are using it to run frost protection so the water has to be applied and certain way.

    The solution we have worked out is just to use an thermostat switch hooked up as an rain sensor so when it is below an temp it will run the programs and once it goes above that temp it will turn off.

    So we will have an program that starts at say 9pm an runs on repeat till 9am with the thermostat switch hooked up so it only runs when the temp is low.




    @gt244: what you described sounds fine. So does the program run as you wanted, or you are still having issue getting it to run as you want?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler How to make this programme up