OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler I2C LCD with Hardware V2.3

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  • #69209


    Hi Ray,

    I have recently built my own version of your excellent Opensprinkler. I have used the circuit diagram for V2.3 using the I2C LCD and the solenoid boost circuit. I am using the ATMEGA644P MCU. I have confused myself as to which version of the firmwate I should be using as looking through the code for the Generation2 option, the LCD in use seems to be the parallel version. Could you please point me in the right direction as to the correct version of the firmware that I should be compiling to work with the board that I have built please? I think I am missing something! Thank you.



    First, please be aware that the latest firmware is at:
    the LCD library can automatically detect both parallel type and I2C type.

    Second, if you built your own: version 2.3 uses ATMEGA1284, not ATMEGA644. You can still flash earlier versions of firmware (prior to version 2.1.6) if you have 644, but the latest firmware is too large to fit on 644, so you will need 1284. Also, a blank MCU does not come with bootloader, so either you can use a ISP programmer to flash the firmware, or you use ISP programmer to flash the bootloader then you can flash any firmware using the USB port.



    Hi Ray, apologies for my delayed reply. Thank you for the information. I was trying to use the ATMEGA644P in error so I have now ordered a 1284. As they say ‘if all else fails, read the instructions!’. Thanks again, fantastic project you have here. Regards Graham

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler I2C LCD with Hardware V2.3