OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Installing OS on existing Raspian Pi Musicbox install.

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    I am trying to install OpenSprinkler on an existing raspian install. It is a minimal install with Pi Musicbox.

    I have updated, and upgraded the install, but I’m sure I’m still missing some pieces? I created a new user, because Musicbox inastalls as root. The new user is added to sudoers. I have installed OS by git clone, and I did have to install build-essential. When I start OS, via ssh ./OpenSprinkler, the output is a never ending list of failed to open gpio.

    What am I missing on the install, and is what I’m trying to do even realistic?

    I originally was trying to find a music player/streamer software that I could install on the ospi, and was somewhat successful. However, everyone I’ve tried has bugs and/or does not quite work out of the box. So, I thought maybe try the other way around. Pi Musicbox, so far works out of the box… Also it does use the local ip for a web interface, so that may interfere with OpenSprinkler?



    You need to run as root:
    sudo ./OpenSprinkler
    because GPIO operations require root permission.



    So the startup script must run as root?

    I was trying to figure out why I could not access the web interface. I now know that Music box forwards port 80 to its port (6680, I think) via iptables, But using {ipaddress}:8080, does not connect to OS.

    I’ll have to investigate more, however I also found out that MusicBox, uses an old version of mopidy, so am leaning back to plan A?.

    So far Mopidy seems to be the best bet.

    By the way, just for my edumacation ?, how does OS auto start at boot?



    If you use the that we provide, it will set the startup script in /etc/init.d/ which runs the firmware with root permission. If you use your own script, yes it needs to run with root permission for the GPIO operations to work.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Installing OS on existing Raspian Pi Musicbox install.