OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Integration with Google Calendar

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    New user of OSPi? I am wondering if anyone has already thought about changing the way the event are saved in OS so that programs are defined in OS (which valves and what duration) and the calendar of these programs in Google Calendar.

    The advantage is that you defined once a certain number of irrigation programs, the ones you always use and that include different lists of valves, and you can then activate them through Google Calendar. You still get the benefits of the Weather adjustments.

    This is different from the Google Calendar demo where you have to define scheduling for each valve…



    There is a Google Calendar based program for OSPi:
    I wrote the initial version, and then at some point Google API changed and a user Jason Mechler modified the code to match the new API. The repository above has the latest version.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Integration with Google Calendar