OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware landscape lights is it possible (simplified)

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    I have just installed my open sprinkler system and am trying to fine tune every thing to get the right amounts of watering. I would say I am a novice to all things this technical but I am having fun learning now I see it has been discussed and I hope to run landscape lights as well but I need it broken down way more like…. Lights for Dummies please I would like to continue but posts of building codes and burning down my house has me at a stopping point until I learn more.



    The current OpenSprinkler runs with 24v AC, so the lighting outside needs to be compatible. From my understanding, the new 3.x version of OpenSprinkler will possibly run on DC voltage, and that means you can easily power some really low lighting, as long as you’re not running the sprinklers at the same time, the voltage needed may dip too low for one or the other.

    But yeah, look for 24v AC lighting if you want to power it, and remember, you’re capped at 1A of power, for your OpenSprinkler and your lighting, and the power up of the lighting may require more amperage too.



    I went the easy path. I kept mains voltage for the lights and used Radio Frequency controlled switches and plugs to turn them on or off in parallel with the mains switches/plugs. For me this route was simplest and fastest but I think is most expensive too because you have to buy the extra receivers.
    Ray has a blog post about this which it covers many aspects.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware landscape lights is it possible (simplified)