OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Loosing Program with Power Outage

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    Lately, Edison has been replacing the 50 year old insulators and power lines in my neighborhood. Consequently, we have had many planned an unplanned power outages.

    My OpenSprinkler is one of the older Arduino Ethernet based versions. I am loosing the program in the power outages, yet if I turn it on and off the program remains.

    I took it apart and checked the battery voltage it appears fine. I though the program was stored in the Arduino’s EEPROM.

    What could be wrong?



    As you said the programs are stored in the EEPROM and it shouldn’t have got lost even if power is lost many times. I am not really sure how it happened — it could be that some weird condition triggered a factory reset which wiped out the programs.



    I found a fair amount of ‘buzz’ on various forums regarding corrupted EEPROM data on ATMega applications. It involved the execution of instructions when voltage was below spec. I suspect that rather than going on or off my line voltage may have been low for several seconds. The EEPROM data in my ONKYO receiver was also corrupted.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Loosing Program with Power Outage