OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Lost colon in IP address field after App update

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    Last night Version 1.4.1  of the Android App loaded into my Kindle HD.  I was immediately unable to connect to opensprinkler.  The problem was pretty obvious.  The colon “:” was somehow lost between the IP address and the port (8008 in my case) in the update.  Once corrected, the app worked as usual.

    Some functions like “Weather Diagnostics” have never worked on the Kindle HD.  Since I primarily use the iPhone to control opensprinkler I have never been too concerned about a few lost functions.





    Sorry about the bug. This was actually discovered in 1.4 and I thought I fixed the issue in 1.4.1 but clearly it’s still occurring.

    The reason the app is manipulating the IP is because it sees a local IP and noticed port forwarding is setup correctly so it’s changing the IP from the local to the external one.

    Thanks for the report and I’ll let you know as soon as I have a complete fix.



    I took another look at this and am fairly confident 1.4.1 fixed the issue. Therefore, I think the previous version (1.4.0) had already messed up the colon in the IP field and you noticed after opening 1.4.1.

    Does this seem plausible? Can you recreate the issue now?

    If it can be re-created I will take another look and see what could possibly be causing the issue otherwise it should be fixed and working at this point.


    Update: Regarding the weather diagnostics not working, do you get any specific error message? I don’t have an Amazon device to test.



    Sorry, but I can nor recreate the problem.  I have to means of rolling back to try the update again.  I suppose its possible that I did not use open sprinkler between the two updates.


    Regarding Kindle issues, there is no error message.  One odd thing abut the Kindle HD is that when the processor loads up the display dims slightly.  If I click on Diagnostics, there is no response except for a dimming display indicating high CPU activity.

    I doubt that helps much.  There probably are few (if any) people running this App on a Kindle HD, especially since it needs to be rooted.



    I honestly think the IP issue is solved at this point and won’t worry about it unless something comes up again.

    Does the app from the Amazon store not work without rooting the device? I am installing the Amazon emulator image now to try and investigate the issue as I have not heard about it before. I will let you know if I find anything.




    I can verify the weather diagnostics popup not working is not Amazon specific. This is occurring in a few other situations and I am looking into it now. It was introduced in 1.4.1.

    I will let you know once I have a fix and an ETA for release.

    Update: I have found and fixed this bug. I went ahead and pushed this fix out. Thanks again!

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Lost colon in IP address field after App update