OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Monitoring your OSPi

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    I am trialling Pulseway to monitor my OSPi. It is a “remote monitoring and management solution”, and it sends notifications and/or emails if your system goes down.

    You can sign up for an account, and the free plan allows you to monitor up to 5 systems. You install an “agent” on the Raspberry Pi (there is a Raspberry Pi specific version), and you can configure it to send notifications whenever a variety of events occur (eg specified service such as OSPi not running, ping responses slow or fail, low disk, high cpu etc).

    The agent obviously communicates with their server, and notifies you if the system goes “offline” which essentially means that somehow their server has lost contact with the agent installed on your monitored system. It also notifies you if any of the events you enable in the configuration file occur.

    You install a free app on your phone/tablet (Ios/Android/Windows 8/Windows Phone or on your desktop (Windows). This allows you to monitor the status, review notifications, and take actions such as restart, shutdown, send wake-on-lan commands etc.  You can also get graphs of CPU usage, network traffic etc etc.


    So far it seems to work well. Last night for example we had a short power failure. I was notified that the systems I am monitoring were off line. Two of them came back online, but the third one (Mythtv) didn’t. When I investigated, somehow the DNS server specification had disappeared, and that system had no internet access. Without this monitoring, I would not have found out for some time.

    From the OSPi perspective, this (hopefully) removes the worry that the OSPi system could fail and not be noticed until the effects of not watering the garden became apparent.

    I would be interested to hear if anyone else has tried this service and what their experience was.






    Looks interesting. Would you mind sharing your pulseway configuration file (without your account info of course). I would like to try this.



    Edited to add:

    If anyone else is interested, this is the line I used to monitor the ospi service:

    <Service Name=”ospi” DisplayName=”Open Sprinkler Pi” path=”” IsDaemon=”true” DaemonType=”SYSVINIT” Path=”” StartParameters=”” CanBeStopped=”true” Enabled=”true” />



    Sorry I took so long to respond. I have been away for a couple of days.

    I have attached my configuration file. I wasn’t totally sure what would be needed, so I monitored the OSPi service and the Mosquitto MQtt broker service. I am also monitoring a couple of other Pi’s so I monitor the network by letting them Ping each other. I will probably stop this as I doubt it is necessary. Their addresses were and if you are wondering what those lines are.





    Sorry – I forgot I can’t upload an xml file, so I have renamed it.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Monitoring your OSPi