OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) More than one water source and master valve?

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    I have two sources of water – a pump that has enough flow for some zones and city water for the higher flow zones (that I try to avoid using for cost reasons). Is there a way to do this with the OSPi? I want to go to the OSPi but my current controller is a Hunter. With the Hunter I have added a circuit that the master valve power goes into. It also takes in power from the zones I want to use the pump on (all diode OR’ed together). It then sends a signal to either the master valve or the pump relay.



    This is really a software thing – by default the software (both Arduino and Dan’s Interval program) assumes that the master valve is turned on before you use any of the other stations. I don’t use the C program (spinklers_pi) so I don’t know if it can do that or not.

    However, it would be possible to code up the ability to have the master only tied to a set of specific stations. It would take modification of the base code but wouldn’t be that tough.

    Hardware-wise, the system can open all the relays at once if you want, so any combination can be done.



    I understand this is a software thing and I know it can be done. I am more of a hardware guy so was wondering if someone had done something like this or a bit more detail on HOW to do it. I don’t have the OSPi (YET) so am not that familiar with the software. A little over a year ago Ray said it was on the list of things to do here but I guess there wasn’t much call for it…




    I did think about allowing more than 1 master valve, but frankly I don’t know how common this is. For the moment, because the software allows concurrent (or parallel) running mode, you can manually set how you want valves to open/close in any pattern you want. Certainly not as convenient as having the algorithm automatically associate a valve with its corresponding master valve, but it can be done with the parallel running mode.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) More than one water source and master valve?