OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Need Help With Relay Board + Raspi Pi setup

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    Good evening
    After googling and searching this forum I just cant find the answers i need to get this working. I have successfully installed the firmware on the Raspi3, my issues is i can not for the life of me get the relyboard to work properly. Some of the relays are pulsing on and off all the time. When the pi boots all the relays come on and if I change the settings form high to low or vise versa it still does this. I found some links that looked as if they could help me but they were dead. So if any of you who are using the 8 relay board could help me I would appreciate it.



    Which GPIO pins did you connect the relay board to? The firmware by default assumes there is a shift register, and stations are controller by the shift register outputs. If you want to use direct GPIO connection to your relay board, you need to set each station to become a GPIO station, and provide the GPIO pin name.



    I can help you if you haven’t got it running. I just set mine up this way last night.




    I have the same problem, Pi is reachable via browser but no valve is working, there is no voltage on pin 1 of the OpenSprinkler Pi.

    Best regards



    @wdeker: this thread is about using OSPi with relay board. Are you using a relay board?



    Ah sorry
    I am using the OpenSprinkler Pi board with an Raspberry Pi.
    I can’t get this up and running




    When you say there is no voltage on Pin 1 did you mean RPi’s GPIO 1 or did you mean OpenSprinkler Pi’s Zone 1 port? The voltage should be measured between the COM (common) terminal and Zone 1 terminal. Also, you should measure AC voltage, not DC voltage. Do you actually have a solenoid connected between COM and zone 1, or are you just measuring voltage and claiming that it’s not working?



    Problem solved, there was an soldering issue on the raspbery pi zero gpio. Now it is up and running.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Need Help With Relay Board + Raspi Pi setup