OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Network stops responding

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    I have bought and installed OSPi 1.3 with the preloaded SD card.
    I am using RPi B with the popular Edimax wifi adapter.
    There are 6 zones connected to the ospi, and everything works just great.

    But –
    Once in a while the wifi stops responding and I cannot connect to the sprinklers program. Once that happens, the programs continue to work as planned, I just cannot connect to the system to check logs and make adjustments. A forced reboot (pulling the plug 🙂 solves that problem for several hours, maybe days, but then it comes back.

    Did you meet this issue before? Is there a logging system on the preloaded card that I can check first?



    Dan in CA


    I was having the same problem you describe with a newly configured OSPi. Then I remembered that an older setup that was more reliable was set to a static IP address.

    I set a static IP address on the Raspi itself as well as on the router and it has not dropped the connection since.

    You can set a static address on the Pi by editing the file /etc/network/interfaces to look like:

    #iface eth0 inet dhcp #this line commented out
    iface eth0 inet static
    address 192.168.x.x #where x = your chosen IP address

    Hope this helps.

    Nope. That didn’t fix the problem. I did discover that the image on the SD card was damaged. I re-formatted and re-imaged the SD card. So far it seems to be OK. Time will tell if this actually fixed the problem.




    I had issues with my network too, but decided it was the power management setting on the Edimax wifi dongle as mentioned in this thread:
    Step #6 shows adding a configuration file and it seems to be helping. That file would be located here: /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Network stops responding