OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware No "Advanced Tab" on Station Settings

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  • #48460


    I’ve just installed 2.1.7 firmware on a new RPI. I wanted to move to a newer version of OSPi, so I could exploit the ability to use GPIO. Couple of years ago, I hacked a version of the firmware to add support, but when I saw it was now supported, I wanted to move to an “official” version.

    Here’s what I see in the manual for 2.1.7:

    3.2 Station Attributes
    Clicking the gear icon to the right of each station card will show a station attribute popup with the
    following options:

    o GPIO station: allows the station to directly switch a spare GPIO pin available on the controller. Only pins that are available
    are listed. You can also define the active state (i.e. Active High or Active Low).

    The station attributes menu shown in the manual has an “Advanced” tab that allows access of the GPIO attributes, but I see no such tab in 2.1.7. Chrome, Windows 10. (Screen shot attached)

    Is this still supported? Am I missing how to access station configuration for a GPIO? Is there updated documentation?


    Dave Thomas



    Not sure why, but I see a different UI now.

    I’d checked to make sure that http://os_addr/su was set to But, maybe the browser was using a cached version from the old, local copy of the ui scripts?

    The only things I think I did between when I saw the old ui and the new one which supports GPIO was

    1) Attempted to change the number of stations from 8 to 16. The application just hung when I did that. I had to reboot the pi to restart the app (I probably could have just restarted the ap

    2) Logged to from the UI

    I’d like to understand what’s going on. Is it necessary to do the login to use the scripts at Regardless, it seems strange that my browser would use the old (cached), local version of the if it couldn’t access How would that even work?


    Or, maybe someone updated the js on after reading this post?

    Anyway, it’s working now, I’m just not confident it will stay that way.



    Ok, it turns out I get the old ui when I use os_addr, and get the new one when I use os_addr:8080. (os_addr is in this case)

    When I try to access or, I get

    This site can’t be reached refused to connect.

    But, I can access the web page at

    Should I do something to get rid of whatever makes the old ui used at How?



    The current firmware by default uses port 8080. I am not sure what you also have a OS UI running at 80. Maybe you have an earlier firmware that’s running on port 80? You can check how many opensprinkler firmware folders you have on your SD card, and get rid of the old ones.



    That OSPi was using the earlier version of the UI (I’m hosting the UI locally).

    Updated all the pi’s to use the latest and everything (almost) is working fine now. (I still have to figure out how to get the zone images to show up.)



    Zone image requires you to log in to OpenSprinkler from the app (or browser, whichever you are using to access opensprinkler). Click the upper-left corner icon to open the left-side menu, then click ‘Log in to’. The reason you have to log in is that the zone images are stored on the cloud server and not locally on the controller.



    If I’m running the UI locally on the same ospi that’s running opensprinkler, is there a way I can save the images locally instead of in the cloud? If not, could I hack the UI to do that?

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware No "Advanced Tab" on Station Settings