OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Open Sprinkler operating a Splash Pad

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    It is my desire to use a DC Open Sprinkler, (OS), controller to operate our splash pad. We have two 3-phase motors with a VLT drive. We also have 17 sequenced Hunter 24vAC valves. One motor runs sunrise to sunset. The DC model was chosen for the somewhat higher current rating. This is to replace a very expensive and complex controller that never operated correctly.

    The following is my review after the first hardware operation of the OS.

    The Rain Sensor is set for Program Switch. The start switch is capacitive sense. This seemed to work on single attempts. To be tested later with multiple tests. The OS provides about 3v for the switch to operate.

    OS operates the sprinkler valves as desired. The valves seem to slowly open as there is not a sudden spray. Possibly the valve design.

    The OS DOES NOT operate the relays to start the VLT. The relay tested operated for a second and then dropped. The relays are Omron G2RV-SL700 24vAC/DC. The OS output is 7.5v and the relay draws 2.5mA at this voltage.

    Instead of replacing the OS with an AC model I decided to order the 12vDC version of the relays.

    So far this looks promising and I’ll provide more after the relays arrive.



    Yes, I recommend you to get 12VDC relays. And if it still doesn’t work, upgrade the power adapter to a 12VDC power adapter to provide higher steady state voltage that will keep the relay activated.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Open Sprinkler operating a Splash Pad