OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Open Valves at certain Temp?

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    I would like to open/close a valve at a certain temperature (on at 75 off at 70) instead of using an on/off time.
    How might I do this? I will be using the basic open sprinkler kit, perhaps the Pi when I learn a bit more.

    I am controlling temp in a hydroponics chamber and want to turn the heater on when it gets cold (via relay), and the a/c on when it gets warm.
    I am also controlling lighting via another zone, which seems easy via another relay.

    These controllers look perfect for what I am wanting to do. Thank you!



    If you have basic programming background, you can easily modify the software code to do this.



    Perfect. I am not code-savvy but am willing to learn as needed. Thank you for the quick replies. I am ordering today. Also, will this require serious modifications to the web-based input or LCD screen (to set up and adjust temp parameters).

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Open Valves at certain Temp?