Opensprinkler 2.3 DC
Firmware 2.1.7
App version 1.6.0
Started up my opensprinkler for the summer and noticed that I wasn’t getting any weather updates to adjust the water %. Google lead to me a forum post that said the opensprinkler assumes the router is the dns server but it was an old post and i think it said that issue was fixed. My current setup is dns and router are two different devices. I tried a few reboots and even powered it off for a while and nothing seemed to get the weather calls to work. I plugged in an old router that could act as a DNS server and change my dhcp server to hand out that ip for the gateway and rebooted opensprinker. After reboot “Last successful weather call” updated along with water level %.
Digging through firmware code for 2.1.7 i found this which says it defaults to if it has not dns server set. Tested that and my other firewall configuration allows that look up through with no issues.
I was wondering if there is still a hard dependency on the gateway being the dns server? Looks like the code here should grab the dns server being offered via dhcp and set it and not use the core router,
Also is there a way through the web ui to get diagnostic info such as network information which would of told me that what dns server the device was using? If there is a way to get more debugging information I would be more than happy to do so I just cant find any docs on it.
Thanks, love my opensprinkler!