OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware OpenSprinkler no longer showing weather

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  • #53671


    In the past 24 hours my OpenSprinkler (3.0 AC running 2.1.8 (2)) has stopped weather from OpenWeatherMap. I have reset all options and station data as well as restarted the controller. I confirmed (I think) from the exported configuration that no key is set for Weather Underground.

    Has OpenWeatherMap made a change that has broken OpenSprinkler?



    Same here no more weather forecasts. [Where not too usefull anyway as they did not show precipitation in terms of mm or so]



    I’ve just installed my opensprinkler here in australia and set my location as Mildura victoria, was wondering if i have done somethign wrong as i wasnt getting any successful weather calls….

    Ill await an update on this thread



    It looks like it could be an issue with the OpenSprinkler server running the scripts.
    I sniffed on my LAN to see what my OS was trying to do and captured the URL it uses to get the latest weather update, then tried accessing that directly in a browser (which has worked previously) but am getting a “502 Bad Gateway” error from a box running “nginx/1.12.1“. This ties with the same error I was seeing int he sniffed traffic from my OS, even on the outside interface of my firewall so I figured it was not an issue on my side…

    Hopefully they’ll sort it out soon…



    Same problem here, I’m running a raspberry Pi 3 in South Africa, no weather information



    Sorry about the issue. There seems to have been a server error which caused this problem. We’ve fixed the issue and the weather server is back online now. Try again and see if you can get weather update now (for example, rebooting your controller should immediately trigger a weather query).

    By the way, for future reference, if this happens again, I would appreciate if someone can submit a support ticket. Generally we check support tickets every day but forum posts much less frequently. Thanks.




    I reboot one of my clocks that are not using the wunderground API and it is still not showing the forecast. The wunderground api unit is.



    I have posted a ticket number 7463

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware OpenSprinkler no longer showing weather