Hi all, I’ll keep this brief as I’m not sure this will be an interesting topic. In short, I’ve been working on a binding for OpenHAB (see http://www.openhab.org) so that OpenHAB can control the OpenSprinkler Pi. OpenHAB is basically a free and open source Java-based home automation system. Additionally, my binding is free and open source. In my home I control various aspects automatically using OpenHAB, and I run it on a Raspberry Pi. Now that I have an OpenSprinkler Pi hooked to my Raspberry Pi, I wanted to be able to control my sprinkler valves from my home, based on rules I’ve provided to OpenHAB.
What I did was basically write a very simple Java-based API for controlling valves. The library code is based entirely on the example code provided by Ray (just written in Java rather than C or Python). The only difference is that there is a slightly nicer Java API there. With this simple API I then built the OpenHAB binding to use it, so I can now switch on or off valves either manually (via web browser, phone app, XMPP message, etc) or automatically (via rules programmed into the home automation system by me).
For more information, you may want to check out my post here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/openhab/alISfEmI5Cg/EMmSJBSjv6AJ
Jonathan Giles