OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi & Raspberry work fine, guidance for the sprinkler side?

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    I’ve got an OpenSprinkler Pi and Raspberry Pi 2, connected them up, ran through the installs and everything’s good to go, I can login and create schedules. What I”m looking for is a bit of guidance on the sprinkler hardware side of things.

    I’ve got a greenhouse with a standard outdoor faucet, which works fine; my plan is to build a drip station for roughly 30 plants within this greenhouse (1 zone). My question is, what type of hardware should I look into to get the OpenSprinkler Pi setup?

    Would the OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) – Output work for what I’m trying to do?

    The tubing is no problem at all, I’m just not certain on the output, backflow type of things needed. Any advice is greatly appreciated!



    I am not irrigation expert so I only know the basics: OSPi works with standard 24VAC sprinkler valves. These valves generally come at different fittings — most of them use NPT, national pipe thread, fitting, with varying sizes such as 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ diameter. You can choose them based on your pipe fitting. If you need to connect them to garden hoses, there are NPT to GHT adapters you can use.

    Wiring wise, say if you have 10 valves, each valve should have one wire that goes together and that’s the COM (common) wire, which goes to the COM terminal on OSPi. The other wire on each valve goes to an individual zone port on OSPi.

    I don’t know much about backflow prevention and stuff like that.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi & Raspberry work fine, guidance for the sprinkler side?