OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler OpenSprinkler v3.0 with Blynk compatibilty

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    I see that OpenGarage supports Blynk and also SprinklerBee. No mention of Blynk in the 3.0 docs or firmware that I could see. Disclaimer… I did not read every line of source code…

    Although it is an easy task to add the appropriate Blynk libraries and the Auth token I think it would be better from a users perspective managing future firmware updates using GIT source code and managing the Blynk Auth token from the Web UI. Other option is nasty where user has to manage their own branch for their Blynk auth token and libraries.

    What are the plans and potential timeframe for Blynk capabilities?



    I am interested on this as well.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk



    It’s definitely in the plan. As you noted, OpenGarage and OSBee both support Blynk and they use the same processor (ESP8266) as OS 3.0. The main challenge is that OS’s app is a lot more complex, whereas OpenGarage and OSBee are simple enough that it’s pretty easy to build a simple Blynk interface to control them. For OS, it’s very difficult to replicate the current mobile app in Blynk app, so we probably will only be able to support a small subset of features, such as manually turn on/off a zone, or start a run-once program, while editing programs and options have to be left out.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler OpenSprinkler v3.0 with Blynk compatibilty