OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler OS 2.1 Circa 2013 DIED, Need a replacement

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  • #61469


    My OS finally died. I had lost the display years ago and it just stopped talking to the LAN and wont react to reset.
    Upon inspection no obvious issues.
    Would like to have it repaired but live in Houston…I cant manually water 42 stations…have of which run for 25 minutes each
    I have 3 expansion boards!! And just found out that my old expansion boards will not function with the newer hardware, 3.0? I believe

    Is it possible to get a 2.1 replace OS? OR a Workaround to use my old expansions???

    At this point I would need to spend $300 to
    replace my current capabilities…And at that point I should really consider a more mainstream solution…



    We still have a few OS 2.3 left (even though we do not officially sell version 2.3 any more). If you need, you can send a support ticket and arrange to purchase a version 2.3, which still works with your existing expanders.

    As I said many times on the forum, if this is a support question that you need quicker response, please send a support ticket. The forum is not checked on a regular basis, and for all support questions we need to verify your order number and purchase date, so leaving a question like this on the forum will likely delay the handling of your question.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler OS 2.1 Circa 2013 DIED, Need a replacement