Hi All,
Just wonderiong if anyone has seen this before…
I attempted to upgrade my OSV3 to 219R1 a few days ago and lost connection and suspected the firmware upgrade was successful and that I was needing to reconfigure – then I was distracted by the kids. I checked the physical OSV3 and saw the screen was blank and tried to removed the power and replace and then removed all other comnnections (valves/rain sensor) and tried power again but still no luck.
I took the unit apart and removed the ESP section and powered via USB and everything is working as expected, however looking at the power board I see one of the ICs has popped like a volcano (picture attached)
I guess my questions now are;
– Has anyone else seen this?
– Did this have anything to do with the upgrade (I can’t really see how that is possible)
– Can I order just the power board?
Thanks again,