OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) OSPI can't make up it's mind on the Rain Sensor settings.

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    I’m running OSPI and have been getting inconsistent results with the rain sensor settings. I am using a Hunter mini-click and in the settings originally DID NOT tick the ‘Normally Open’ checkbox. This was working and when it rained the Rain Detected would come on. The problem is it seems to get stuck until I have to toggle the setting each time it rains. Below list is an attempt to explain.

    1. Not ticked – rain 1st time = rain detected
    2. Stops raining = still shows rain detected (sensor is dry)
    3. Un-tick = still shows rain detected
    4. Re-tick = no rain detected
    5. Un-tick = no rain detected (back to start)

    The only thing I can think of is if there is a limit to how far away the sensor can be from the controller and it’s causing issues? I think it’s about 15m, being extended using this 7.5A 2-core Marine wire.

    Has anyone else had this experience or help out with the ghosts in my setup?

    (App V1.7.1, Firmware 2.1.7, Hardware V OSPI – AC)



    I don’t think distance is a problem in your case. Try the following:

    (with the Normally Open checkbox left unchecked)
    1. Disconnect the rain sensor wires from the OSPi.
    2. OSPi should now read “rain detected”.
    3. Replace it with a short piece of wire between the rain sensor terminals.
    4. OSPi should now read “rain detected”.

    Alternatively you could wait until the next time it rains. When the OSPi fails to clear the rain detected state connect a short piece of wire between the rain sensor terminals. If doing this clears the rain detected option it could be a problem with your wiring or the rain sensor.

    A couple more things; Are you sure your rain sensor is normally closed? Most are, but if you have an ohm meter its worth checking. It seems odd to me that in your step #4 you say the OSPi does not detect rain. If it is a normally closed sensor I would expect that the OSPi would say rain detected in this state (Normally Open checkbox checked). Also check the OSPi log file. At the end of a rain event it will show the runtime of the rain sensor (the time the sensor was enabled).

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) OSPI can't make up it's mind on the Rain Sensor settings.