OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Password Limitiation?

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    What are the limits of a password?

    How many characters? Is it case-sensitive? Can we use numbers? Can we use special characters? Can spaces be used?

    Have already discovered that the following password causes all kinds of issues:



    The current firmware 2.0.9 allows up to 32 characters for password, you can use numbers, special characters, space, quotes. Basically no restrictions on what characters. and it’s case-sensitive.

    The password you showed is 50 characters long, which exceeds the 32 limit.

    In the upcoming firmware 2.1.0 I was planning to reduce password to 24 characters max but we can keep the limit to 32 if that’s necessary.



    Unless https support available, not much reason for long passwords IMHO.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Password Limitiation?