OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Port forwarding with D-link router

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    I have a D-link DSL-2890AL modem/router

    I have found the port forwarding bit on the device and entered 80 for both UDP and TCP port, the IP address which I have made static and the name of the device but it does still not seem to work externally.

    Any ideas?




    By default the OpenSprinkler software runs on port 8080. Unless you’ve change the port it operates on, try forwarding 8080 instead of 80.



    I have now tried this and it still does not work. When I press the B1 button it says the port it is using is 80 no 8080?





    I also have D-link router and they suggested using Virtual Servers instead of the Port Forwarding in the admin page

    I have set up the name as OpenSprinkler, Public Port as 8888, Protocol as TCP and Schedule as always. In the second line I have the Static IP address for the OS controller, Private Port as 80, Protocol as 6, and no filtering

    I have my external IP from the whatsmyip google search

    I should be able to go http://externalip:8888 to get to the login for my controller correct?

    I have tried taking my phone, disabling wireless, and then pinging my router. I can ping the router using its external IP address and port 80. I get timeouts when pinging port 8888.

    Any thoughts?



    I think it would probably be best to contact D-Link because it sounds like you know what you are doing and have correctly completed the process.

    When you say you can access port 80 externally, I assume you have another server/service that’s being port forwarded to that port?

    Update: When you say protocol 6, did you accidentally check IPv6? It should be IPv4 as OpenSprinkler does not support IPv6.



    @Tim, yes, Virtual Server is fine, my TP-LINK router also uses the term ‘Virtual Server’ instead of port forwarding. You said “Protocol as 6, and no filtering”. I don’t know what Protocol 6 means. It sounds like something non-standard.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Port forwarding with D-link router