OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Problem with Device Options page

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  • #22903


    Hi Dan…

    I have been having an issue with saving Device Options and even updating the interval program to the latest version using git pull has failed to fix this issue. When I click on Options from the main page, it brings me to the Set Options page. Here, all of the fields are labeled Undefined, with undefined listed in the text boxes. The Password field looks fine. Did I mess up some file in the directory that is resulting in these errors? I am guessing there must be some error in a file that is not overwritten by performing a git pull.

    BTW, thanks again for the great app!


    Dan in CA


    The most likely file that could be corrupted is sd.json in the data directory. It holds the actual settings for the program. Try renaming it, the program will make a new one when you reboot the Pi but it will revert to all default settings.

    The file options.txt in the same directory holds the labels and tool tips for the options. It should be updated during a git pull. I tried renaming this file on my system but didn’t get what you describe.





    I will check the sd.json file, as I think you might be right about this. It seems that I had trouble connecting with my OSPi’s after previous updates. This resulted in my having to tweak the sd.json files with the correct port numbers (not 80 or 8080) for the interval program to be reachable. I will check out your method to see if this is fixed. Also, I’m unsure about the options.txt file and will check this as well. I clearly screwed up something on the previous upgrade (in trying to get the interval program and web app functioning).

    Thanks again…

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Problem with Device Options page