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  • #52685


    Finally getting around to getting my board going. The web page works. It shows version 2.1.8 and app 1.8.1. This is for OSPi. I don’t see anything about how to designate a master valve. And I was hoping for two masters – it is supposed to be there according to posts on the forum. Is the version current and where is a manual that covers this? The ones I found seem to cover older versions.

    I tried the demo. It says ‘opendoor’ is invalid password…



    Found the manual I think. And where to set the master stations. The second station comes up marked M in the web interface not N. Is this expected?



    Did you mean the ‘second master station’? You said ‘second station’ — only master station will be marked M (1st master) or N (2nd master).



    Yes, second master station. It comes up as M, the same as the first master in the web interface.

    Is there any limitation to which station is the master? In the API doc (maybe an old one) the master could only be assigned to the first 8 stations. I was thinking of putting mine at the top end at 39 and 40. I was able to assign them in the web interface. Am I going to end up with any issues with the API? I don’t plan to use the API to change the stations but want to use the API to switch between master 1 and master 2.



    The second should show up as ‘N’. That’s probably a bug in the UI/app code, we can fix it.

    There is no limitation on which zone is master — it can be any zone that’s enabled. The limitation to the first 8 was for much older firmwares.

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