OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware reconnect WiFi automatically or periodically

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    Hi, my WiFi AP in my house sometimes reboots, and it seems the OSPi doesn’t auto-reconnect after that, or takes many hours before it does.

    When I had it on a monitor & keyboard, I was able to get it to reconnect with an ‘ifup’ command.

    Is there any setting that would help it retry the WiFi association more often, or should I just put ‘ifup’ in a CRON job?




    Also, re-booting the OSPi doesn’t always get it to reconnect right away. It’s possible the signal in the garage is weak, but my phones can work on the WiFi out to the street.



    Hi, this is not really an issue with the firmware because the firmware does not handle WiFi reconnection. It’s part of the Raspbian operation system that handles WiFi reconnect. I agree that the issue could be due to weak WiFi signal, and depending on what type of WiFi dongle you are using on your RPi, the WiFi performance may very well be worse than your phone.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware reconnect WiFi automatically or periodically