OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Remote Access with two sites

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    I’m having some difficulty connecting to my second opensprinkler through the iOS app. The first site works well, I can connect remotely, but the second opensprinkler will only connect on the network, remotely it doesn’t work. I’m on Cox, using their modem and an Apple Airport router. I think I have set up everything correctly, but for some reason it won’t connect. Any ideas on how I should start to troubleshoot this?



    I assume you mean setting up port forwarding for the two OpenSprinklers. If they are on the same network, please note that when you set up port forwarding, each must have a different external port. Otherwise when you access them remotely, they will have the same external port number, and there would be no way to distinguish between them. For example, let’s say your external IP is, you can set up port forwarding so that port 80 maps to the first OpenSprinkler, and port 81 maps to the second OpenSprinkler. Then you can use to access the first, and to access the second.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Remote Access with two sites