OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Remote/Extender not working?

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  • #73382

    Mark Kananen

    I have two open sprinklers, the purchased one is ‘Master’ and then I have the OS running on an ESP8266 as ‘Slave’;
    I have a zone on the master OS setup as Remote to the another instance slave of OS. When I set it up as such, the second instance of OS (slave) went into “Configured as Extender” mode. So far that seems correct. But when I turn the remote station on from the master, nothing happens. If I bring up the slave in the web browser it never shows the zone as running. If I run it manually on the slave, the master never shows it as running either. Is this broken, or did I do something wrong? I ask because I do not see a lot of information in the forums or help about using remote stations and just can’t seem to make it work.



    I am having the same issue. My “master OS is an older 2.2 version running the latest FW. My OS 3 wifi is my slave. I have tried the OS 2.2 as master and slave, and cant get to run either.



    Generally the master and remote controllers should run the same firmware because the firmware APIs are not always the same across different firmwares. They must also have the same device password. Also, the communication is one-way: that is, only the master controller sends command to the remote controller, the remote controller does NOT send status update back to the master. So you can only turn on zones on remote controller from the master; if you turn on zones on the remote controller itself, it cannot send the status update to the master, so it won’t be reflected on the master controller.


    Mark Kananen

    Hi Ray, I’m trying to get a build that I can add some debug info to and get an idea of what is going on. I can build and install the OS, but cannot seem to get a build if I uncomment “// #define ENABLE_DEBUG // enable serial debug” in defines.h.

    Do you have a document or advise (other then the simple compiling instructions) on getting a debug build?

    TIA. mark




    The OS 2.2 is running app version 2.25, firmware 2.1.7, hardware version 2.2-AC. It is ethernet

    The OS 3 Wifi is running app version 2.25, firmware 2.1.9, hardware version 3.2-AC

    Both devices are on the same network and both have the same pw to login into the devices.

    Will these be compatible for the remote stations to work?


    Mark Kananen

    I seem to have this mostly working using OpenSprinkler_Remote from github. The problem I am seeing is on OS, it does not always show the station as running.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Remote/Extender not working?