OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Reset Date & Time?

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    I’m still setting up all of the new controllers and I noticed some of the controllers are showing incorrect date and times. I’ve tried changing the location and rebooting the controller although the times aren’t being updated. I’ve attached a few images showing what I see as of 4/3/20 around 3:30pm PDT. Any suggestions for getting the date and time to update correctly?



    As long as there is Internet connection, the controller will attempt to obtain time automatically from online when it reboots, and also every 24 hours after that. What version of controller do you have? WiFi or wired Ethernet? You can also set time manually if you go to Settings, empty out location (temporarily, you can always put it back afterwards), and in ‘Advanced Settings’, un-check “NTP sync”. Save settings, then the ‘Time’ should become editable, so you can set time manually that way.



    The controllers are OSPi’s connecting via wifi. The App Version is 2.1.7 and the Firmware version is 2.1.9(1).

    Emptying out the location is easy enough and I made sure to click submit in order to save, although the “Advanced” tab only gives me three options. Wunderground Key, HTTP Port, and Device ID. I don’t see a “Time” tab or an “NTP sync” section.

    I have a feeling the Raspberry Pi is controlling the time and that is why I don’t see the time options. I’ll see if I can login via ssh and update the time via raspi-config.



    Ah, I didn’t realize the device is OSPi — yes, for OSPi the time is managed by Raspberry Pi. I am not sure why it didn’t get the time correctly, possibly having to do with how your RPi was configured.



    Yep, it was the Raspberry Pi that needed it’s time updated. I updated the time zone with raspi-config and used the
    sudo date -s "04 APR 2020 16:03:00"
    command to update the Raspberry Pi time. Apparently if the time is off by more than a certain amount, it won’t automatically update via NTP. All good now.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Reset Date & Time?