OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware RTC going nuts, can't water lawn on 90+ degree day

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    I noticed that my sprinklers didn’t run yesterday or today. Logged in and date/time was set to like 2038. Tried rebooting, now set to past (2016 I think). Try different NTP server, reboot again, each time clock changes to different wacky value. Try disabling NTP and setting time manually – sets briefly, changes to wacky time again. Can’t even run programs manually because the time will actually start looping and since I’m not physically at home I’m afraid it’ll open a zone and just never stop. Any ideas? This is a pre-built all in one unit bought from maybe 2 months ago.

    Edit: clock just keeps going back to Feb 25, 2090 2:42 pm, runs until 2:43, loops back to 2:42…





    Hi Rob,
    This sounds like a hardware problem – possible bad RTC. I would open a support ticket.




    I think you’re right I got home and found that the display is dead too, the adapter is fine I measured the voltage but plugging the unit in to either the adapter or USB the blue led blinks then nothing. Opened a ticket and put back my old orbit for now.don’t know what happened it was working like a champ and I have other electronics on the same outlet that are fine..

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware RTC going nuts, can't water lawn on 90+ degree day