OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Serial DEBUG_PRINT setup

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 months ago by Ray.
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  • #79482


    I’m just wondering if there is a description of setting up for using DEBUG_PRINT ~ serial or GDB.
    It looks like there is a potential tx/rx on the 6pin header, and I have FTDI connector that could connect to this. Also looks like it could be a more detailed debug interface with RST and GPIO?
    There is also the unnamed GPIO15 that appears on a small 3 pin header – which I haven’t found a reference
    #define ENABLE_DEBUG
    it compiles and I get a little more code/ram added.
    There are some general ESP8266 descriptions of using GDB – but that doesn’t to have hooks in the code.
    I’ve been poking around, and thought I would post this before connecting up the wires and checking if anything came out.
    Many thanks



    At the minimum you need four pins: FTDI’s 5V to +5V, TX to ERX (ERX stands for ESP8266’s RX pin), RX to ETX, and GND to GND. GP0 (GPIO0) and RST are for the auto-reset circuit, which you don’t need. Auto-reset allows the controller to automatically enter programming mode based on signal sequence from FTDI, but without the auto-reset, you can still manually enter programming mode by pressing the second pushbutton (B2) while plugging in power. That will tell ESP8266 to enter programming mode.

    If you want you can send a support ticket at and arrange to get a programmer like this one:
    it can plug directly into the PCB edge connector so it’s easier than soldering wires onto the programming pins.

    In the firmware, turning on the #define ENABLE_DEBUG at the beginning of defines.h will enable all the debug functions. You can also add additional debug functions. The firmware doesn’t use gdb — when debugging we just use the debug output to check variable values.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Serial DEBUG_PRINT setup