OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Single pass program not displayed correctly

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  • #34695


    A single pass program is not being displayed correctly in the mobile app.  It shows a being repeated once.  Here are screen shots of the actual program from the OSPi program, and what is displayed in the mobile app.  The screenshots of the mobile app were taken from the beta preview, but the results are the same in the current stable release.



    The OSPi program deviated from the OpenSprinkler Arduino firmware by introducing a concept of single vs repeating programs. This concept is not understood by the app and therefore causes this issue. I have mentioned it to Dan a while back but due to other pressing issues it hasn’t been resolved.

    I will take a look at it now and see if I can figure it out, thanks!

    Update: Here is the issue on Github, if you want to follow:



    I went ahead and added an exception to handle this in my mobile app. This will be live in the next version however you are welcome to test at


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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Single pass program not displayed correctly