OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Suggestion: Max Zones

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  • #70532

    Seth Ratner

    I haven’t found this in any previous threads, apologies if I missed it.

    It would be great to have a setting for the max zones that will run at a time. Using sequential works for some cases (like identifying zones that should run alone), but I have 24 zones that can all run whenever, but I don’t want to exceed X zones at a time to avoid overloading the OS or exceeding my water supply.

    If I want to run all 24 zones for a set time, running each sequentially will take way too long, but together would overload the OS. If the queuing system could use my setting to run no more than X valves at a time, batch runs would be easier I think.

    Am I missing a way to do this with the existing firmware? Thanks!

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Suggestion: Max Zones