OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Unable to connect (excluding after reboot)

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  • #38772


    Dear All
    I just bought and installed an Opensprinkler for my garden.
    I believe this is a very exciting product, but I’m having a problem using it.

    When I connect to the OpenSprinkler’s web interface (may it be via internal lan IP,iPhone app, or website), the password prompt appears immediately, then it writes “Loading”, after a couple seconds it switches to “Caricamento” (the Italian for loading), but then it stops forever.
    Curiously enough, if I power off the Opensprinkler then power it again, on the first time I get full access, however when I logout, I will be unable to come in again (unless powering off and on again of course)

    I am totally confused. What shall I do??



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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Unable to connect (excluding after reboot)