OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware unattended install?

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    Hi there, was wondering if there was anyway to run ./ unattended? trying to automate installation 🙂




    hi, and one last question on this topic, is there a master configuration file i can overwrite the default config? (i.e. set my default password, valve names, location, wunderground api key, etc)

    i wanted to check if i backup my old config via the web UI, can i use that backup file to overwrite a static text file in the opensprinker directory? or do i need to reimport it through the webui because the file is parsed?




    All configurations are in the file name nvm.dat



    how do we read the sts.dat and NVM.dat?

    recently had an RPI die on me and wanted to copy the opensprinkler settings. copy/pasting and resetting permissions didn’t help. any suggestions? thanks



    NVM.dat is completely a binary file so it’s not really human readable. Its format is documented here:
    assuming your newly installed OSPi firmware matches the firmware version in your nvm.dat, I would think copy and pasting it should work. The problem is that if the firmware is a different version than what the nvm.dat stores, it will trigger a factory reset and recover nvm.dat to default settings.

    Because of the difficulty of directly dealing with this file, the better way is to use the app or web UI to export configurations to a (JSON) file and import those after re-installation. The exported configuration files are human readable.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware unattended install?